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Behind the Scenes – Materials Management

Materials Management
Shirley Mayo and Josh Smith might be behind the scenes but they are EVERYWHERE in the hospital ensuring that the item you need is where you need it, when you need it.

Materials Management

The behind the scenes circulatory system of Boundary Community Hospital

From the moment a product comes in the door of the Receiving Department and then is used in patient care, it has been touched several times by Materials Management.

At the heart of the system, the Materials Manager is responsible for finding the best product, negotiating the best price and getting it delivered at the right time. Pumping the products through the system is the shipping and receiving department which is responsible for tracking and moving each item into location where it is ready to be used as the need arises. Everything from the new Ultrasound equipment, to personal protective equipment custom-fitted to each staff member, to infection prevention supplies, to surgical equipment, band aids, pens, and Kleenex, passes through the capable hands of this expert team.

In addition to keeping things flowing, they ensure that housekeeping closets are stocked, printer cartridges are tracked and replenished, forms and materials are printed on the Risograph, pages are laminated, and products are stocked and available throughout the hospital. Inventory control and expired product disposal fall under their expertise. Every piece of equipment is tagged with an asset label and every item is assigned a stock number and tracked in the Meditech system. Special orders are no problem, as long as you have the proper authorization and a signed requisition.

Boundary Community Hospital salutes the Materials Management Team and thanks the Department for its excellent service, attention to detail, thoroughness and care it takes of the residents, patients, employees and visitors.

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