Honor Roll

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Honor Roll

Honor RollAll contributors will be registered in the Fry Healthcare Foundation Honor Roll Book. Gifts of $250 and more will also be recognized on the special donor wall. Both the book and the wall are displayed in the Outpatient Clinic lobby of the Boundary Community Hospital.

  • FRIEND: Those who have made a one-time or annual cumulative gift up to $249.
  • SPONSOR: Those who have made a one-time or cumulative gift over a consecutive 36-month period of $250 to $999.
  • PILLAR: Those who have made a one-time or cumulative gift over a consecutive 36-month period of $1,000 to $4,999.
  • BENEFACTOR: Those who have made a one-time or cumulative gift over a consecutive 36-month period of $5,000 to $24,999.
  • DISTINGUISHED BENEFACTOR: Those who have made a one-time or cumulative gift over a consecutive 36-month period of $25,000 and above.

Your gift will be used to benefit the community through Boundary Community Hospital and the Extended Care Facility.


Giving is Simple

Mail your check to Fry Healthcare Foundation, 6640 Kaniksu Street, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

Please make checks payable to Fry Healthcare Foundation. Your gift will be administered by the Fry Healthcare Foundation Board of Directors and will be used for the benefit of Boundary Community Hospital and the Extended Care Facility.

Fry Healthcare Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizationĀ  – Tax ID#82-0465538

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