Mammograms By Appointment Only
Available Monday, Tuesday and Friday
*Same-day appointments available
For more information or to make an appointment in Bonners Ferry call (208) 267-3141 ext 4258
Before Your Exam – It is helpful to be able to review any previous mammograms. If you are new to the area and have had previous mammograms elsewhere, our radiologist would like to review those images for comparison purposes. Please provide the facility name and a phone number so our technologist can contact them to request the images.
Breast Cancer Early Detection
Mammograms play a central part in the early detection of breast cancer because they can detect changes in the breast that may be early signs of cancer, but are too small or subtle to be felt. The use of mammography has greatly enhanced the ability to detect breast cancers at earlier stages.
Some health insurance companies only cover one mammogram screening per year so be sure to check your policy before your appointment.
Early detection may save your life!
In some situations, the radiologist may request additional x-rays or a Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound. 3D mammography exams are still the gold standard for imaging of the breast; however, breast ultrasound can usually focus on a targeted area seen on the Mammogram. BCH follows ACR standards when performing breast ultrasound and the Sonographer is breast-certified with the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Patients can schedule follow-up testing at BCH for diagnostic mammography and ultrasound rather than going out of county for testing.
Diagnostic Imaging: Mammography Brochure
Boundary Community Hospital Advantage
At Boundary Community Hospital, we’re proud to now offer the Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam that provides better, earlier breast cancer detection for our patients.
- Screening exams are covered by most insurance programs
- Convenient Bonners Ferry Location
- Appointments available Monday, Tuesday and Friday
- Diagnostic breast ultrasound exams are available Tuesday and Friday
We use the same protocols and same Radiologists (Kootenai Imaging) as Bonner General and Kootenai Health